Vivente Tasty Foods

Launching Mexican products in the U.S.

Vivente Tasty Foods

Launching Mexican products in the U.S.

Vivente Tasty Foods

Launching Mexican products in the U.S.

Vivente Tasty Foods

Launching Mexican products in the U.S.

Creating a unified look and feel to launch in the United States.

Creating a unified look and feel to launch in the United States.

Vivente Tasty Foods carries an entire line of agave-based products that are fortified with fiber. Although the company has a significant marketshare in Mexico, they wanted to expand the distribution of their products to the United States.

We worked closely with their marketing team to develop a comprehensive strategic plan that included: local and regional events, public relations, marketing opportunities, TV appearances, and sampling events.

We redesigned all of their marketing collateral and packaging elements to adhere to US standards while helping them stand out in the rapidly-growing natural sweetener shelfspace.

We helped get Vivente Tasty Foods products get placed on shelves across Texas and California.

The only fiber-enriched agave sweetener on the market.

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Success by design.

San Antonio, TX 78251

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